Calendar Module
David Whitehead
Last Update 2 yıl önce
Administrators can upload a calendar event to the whole school.
Teachers can only upload a calendar event to their allocated class.
To get started follow these steps:
1. Click Communication in the side menu
2. Select Calendar and wait for the page to open.
3. In the top right corner, click Add Event
4. You can now add your event details
5. You have the option to tick the box at the bottom of the page to email the event to all recipients.
Integration with Google Calendar
Steps to add your Google Calendar to ChildCloud:
1. Open Google Calendar
2. In the top right, click and then Settings
3. Navigate to Settings for my calendars - click the calendar you want to add
4. Click Access permissions - tick 'make available to public'
5. Click Integrate Calendar - copy the calendar ID and paste into the URL box below
Below: This short tutorial explains how to upload an event using the Calendar Module