News Module
A great way to share announcements with either a class, group or the whole school
David Whitehead
Last Update 2 jaar geleden
Administrators can post news to the whole school community.
Teachers can only post news to their allocated classes.
To add News follows these steps:
1. In the side menu - click Communication
2. Then click News
3. Then click the blue Add News button (top right)
4. Enter the news description
5. Select if you wish to make the news visible to a class, group or whole school
6. You can add an optional image (note: we suggest you upload a Jpeg as it will open automatically, versus a PDF that will need to be downloaded by the parent)
7. You can also link to external website such as YouTube.
8. Lastly, we give you the option to tick the box Notify Parents, this will send your news as an e-mail to all recipients.

Below: Steps to Edit or Delete a News Post

Below: This is what the parent (student) see's. They can like or comment on the post.

Below: Watch this tutorial video on the news module