Step 1: Adding School Staff
Once logged in as the administrator, follow these steps:
David Whitehead
Last Update vor 2 Jahren
Click Our Staff from top menu bar. Then click Add new staff member

Notes on adding staff:
- When you invite the staff they will automatically receive an invitation to create a password.
- Each staff member must have their own email address, since this will be their username when logging into ChildCloud.
- We suggest creating an email for each class (example [email protected]), so if the teacher leaves the school, you only need to edit the password.
- When adding a staffs profile photo, make it square (300x300)
- If you would like us to add your staff for you, then click here
When adding the staff, you have 4 options:
1. Administrator Account - Administrators have full access to all modules and a 'birds-eye-view' of the whole system.
2. Teachers Account - Teachers can only view and post to students within their class (or subjects they allocated to).
3. Administrator and Teacher Account - this will allow you to switch easily between both portals.
4. General Staff Account - these would be cleaners, security staff, basically anyone who works at the school, but does not need login access to ChildCloud.

When ready, click here to proceed to Step 2 which involves Adding your Classes